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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Program

The purpose of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Special Emphasis Program Manager (SEPM) position is to provide awareness and education to NRCS employees and partners of issues affecting LGBT customers and employees. 

The program is also designed to ensure that the LGBT community has equal opportunity in regards to employment, retention, promotion, training, career development and advancement opportunities within NRCS.  The program was created to correct for decades of discrimination in federal hiring and anti-gay which hunts of the gay community orchestrated by federal government. 

The LGBT SEPM was created via Departmental Regulation 4230-002, signed by Secretary Vilsack in 2009.  This Departmental Regulation established the LGBT SEPM and established June as Pride Month.   June was chosen as Pride Month to commemorate the Stonewall Riots which occurred on June 28th, 1969.  The six day riots began after the New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn as part of their continued effort to harass the LGBT community.  The riots are seen as one of the earliest and most important events in the movement for gay rights in America.  Every June around the country communities come together to celebrate with Pride Parades and other events.  

Links and Resources of Interest:

Civil Rights at Stonewall National Monument -

Gay Pride Calendar -

Vermont Pride Center -