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Rangeland in the foreground, with the sun and mountains in the background.

Grazing Land Assessments

Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) grazing land assessments quantify the effects of voluntary conservation efforts across the nation’s non-federal grazing land, including private pastureland and rangeland.

About CEAP Grazing Land Assessments

Grazing land is a collective term for rangeland, pastureland, grazed forestland, native and naturalized pasture, hayland, and grazed cropland. Through CEAP, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) quantifies trends in voluntary conservation practices across the nation’s private grazing land. 

CEAP assessments inform management decisions for a diversity of land managers and partners by highlighting the effects of conservation practices – and identifying where they are needed – with respect to factors such as plant productivity, soil erosion, and water quality. CEAP also provides tools, interpreted data layers, and other products for conservation planners, ranchers, and partners to use when considering the best solutions for healthy, productive grazing land. Details on the methods for CEAP grazing land assessments are available on the CEAP Frequently Asked Questions page.

CEAP Grazing Land Publications and Relevant Tools

Bibliographies, Articles, and Reports
Webinars and Blogs

CEAP Grazing Land Highlights

The below highlights represent recent resources and key findings released by CEAP on grazing land conservation efforts and outcomes. Visit this webpage frequently to see what's new, or browse the above publications to access a range of published resources from CEAP grazing land assessments.


Rangeland Brush Estimation Tool (RaBET)

RaBET is an interactive, map-based tool developed by CEAP Grazing Lands to support rangeland conservation. This tool may be used by ranchers and other land managers to estimate woody plant canopy cover and assess woody encroachment on western rangelands.

Screengrab of the Rangeland Brush Estimation Tool (RaBET). This shows a map of the western United States, with data overlays.

Additional Resources

Carrie-Ann Houdeshell

Grazing Land Lead, Conservation Effects Assessment Project